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About Freemasonry

What is Freemasonry?

"Sometimes the smallest steps in the right direction end up being the largest steps of your life."

The oldest and most recognized fraternity in the world is freemasonry. It is made up of good-character adult men (18+) from all backgrounds — nationalities, races, age groups, socioeconomic levels, and political ideologies. Its body of knowledge and code of ethics are built on the idea that every man has a duty to better himself while remaining committed to his family, his faith, his country, and his fraternity. Learn more in the following Grand Lodge of England video:

Why become a Freemason?


With us you will find an analogue social network of men in which you can exchange ideas in a friendly and trusting manner in order to develop spiritually.

Self Awareness

With us you will find the people, the space and the instruments to recognize yourself and to get clarity about your own strengths and weaknesses, wishes and requirements.


If you travel a lot, you can visit lodges around the world and find a little familiarity. Also, if you are in a faraway land or the next state over, if you are ever in trouble, there is a Brother and Lodge close by to assist you.

Membership Requierments


Each state and Grand Lodge have a different minimum age requirement. Men who are at least 18 years old can join in the state of Arizona.


Before applying for membership in the fraternity, all candidates must get the recommendation of two current members. One being a member of the lodge you wish to join, and the other a member from within Arizona or a jurisdiction recognized by Arizona.


One must be of good moral character because each Mason is a walking advertisement—good or bad—for the Fraternity. A Square and Compass on our hats, jackets, shirts, license plates and rings can start a conversation, but our behavior and actions speak louder than any billboard, bumper sticker or radio ad.


Freemasonry is a religion-free organization, yet you must be a believer in a Supreme Being to join. Any deity from any religion can serve as this Supreme Being.


There's a common misconception that joining Masonry is by invitation only. Nothing could be further from the truth. No one will ask you to join; a man must take the first steps and ask to be a mason on his own.


One must have been a resident of Arizona for one full year before applying. Active duty military can apply for a waiver. Does not apply to affiliating members.

Masonic Values



We extend a warm welcome to all lodge brothers and imagine a society where individuals engage in honest, non-judgmental dialogue regardless of where they are from or their status in the community.



Among the Craft, we seek genuine camaraderie, both with the Brother and his family. We're excited to meet individuals with various backgrounds, from various cultures and religions.



For us, breaking free from prejudice's restrictions constitutes freedom. We honor the right of others to exercise their freedom of religion, speech, and thinking.



As a child of the Enlightenment, Freemasonry is dedicated to mankind and, thus, to the welfare of everyone.



We never ignore the pain of others or lose sight of the need around us. We take great care of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and are happy to assist them locally and abroad through hospitals and other charitable endeavors.



We pay attention to those who have different viewpoints and approach them with an open mind. Since all Masons are equal, we make an effort to both comprehend and accept people from all backgrounds.

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