Huachuca Lodge No. 53
Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona

Affiliating with Huachuca Lodge No. 53
Under the Arizona Masonic Constitution (AMC) to affiliate with Huachuca Lodge No. 53, a Brother will need to be active (attend meetings and dinners) in the lodge for a full six months prior to being able to petition for membership, if he doesn't already know a member of the Lodge who will vouch for him. He must also be a resident of Arizona for a full six months prior to petitioning (See AMC 5-2.1). A Brother will need two Masons to recommend him for membership, with one recommender being a member of Huachuca Lodge No. 53.
Once you have a completed petition, you will need to submit your petition along with payment for prorated dues and other fees to the Lodge Secretary. When ready to submit, please contact the Lodge secretary who will calculate the total fees that need to accompany your petition. He can be reached at huachuca53@gmail.com.
If the Brother is a non-Arizona Mason, The Grand Lodge of Arizona charges a $60 fee that is added to the petition fees mentioned above (See AMC 7-1.2). The $60 is used as follows:
$50 – Grand Lodge of Arizona General Fund
$5 – Donated to the Masonic Charities of Arizona
$5 – Donated to the Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children.
Note: the $60 fee is paid by all Arizona Masons as part of the candidate fee submitted with their petition for membership.